Journal of Continuing Education

Flip through the articles of our latest journal

Utilizing the CVSA in Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Investigations

By Jerry Crotty, Director of Law Enforcement Operations, NITV FS The Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program is a national network ​of 61 coordinated task forces representing over 4,500 federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies. These agencies are continually engaged in proactive and reactive investigations and prosecutions of persons involved in child abuse and exploitation on the internet. There are 4,500 task force agencies that are assigned to monitor an estimated 3.2...

NITV Federal Services Wins Massive Lawsuit Against Arthur Herring/Dektor Corp.

  West Palm Beach, FL, March 14, 2019  -  The US Federal District Court for the Southern District of Florida has granted NITV Federal Services (NFS) a summary judgement against the Dektor Corporation, a Pennsylvania business owned and run by Arthur Herring, specializing in the manufacture and training on a specific type of voice-type lie detection equipment, the PSE. NITV Federal Services sued both Dektor Corporation and Arthur Herring for False Advertising, Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices, Defamation/Business...

Illinois State Police Acquires the CVSA III

The Illinois State Police recently acquired the CVSA III and hosted a CEC at their agency.  Formerly a ‘polygraph only’ agency, some Special Agents with the Illinois State Police asked certified CVSA examiners at local departments to conduct CVSA examinations when their polygraph examiners were unavailable.  ISP Agents were impressed with the results and recently asked Lt. Kevin Reichert with the Intelligence Unit of the Illinois Dept. of Corrections to give their staff a briefing.  Following the briefing the decision was...

37-Year-Old Cold Case Broken With the CVSA

CVSA Analyst D/Lt. Stephen with the Coles Co. (IL) Sheriff’s Dept., recently broke a 37-year- old Cold Case Homicide that was solved utilizing the CVSA.  A young woman was brutally murdered in 1980 and although several suspects were developed, there was never enough evidence to make an arrest.  Following her department’s acquisition of the CVSA, D/Lt. Stephen called one of the suspects, who was now 70, and requested his help in going through a box of evidence to see if they could come up with any new...

Florida DoC, Office of the Inspector General, Traded In 10 Vipre VSA’s for 10 CVSA III’s.

A record number of Law Enforcement agencies are quietly replacing their other VSAs with the newly unveiled Computer Voice Stress Analyzer®III (CVSA®III).   Most notably is the Florida Office of the Inspector General, Department of Corrections (DoC).  The Florida DoC traded-in 10 outdated Vipre voice stress analyzers and purchased 10 CVSA III’s.   The Special Agent in Charge stated “We were so impressed with the superior accuracy of the CVSA III and the excellent support provided by NITV FS. ...

Annual Presentation: Professor James Chapman L. Chapman Award for Excellence

The Seventh annual (2018) Professor James L. Chapman Award for Excellence was presented by the NACVSA to Retired Atlanta Police Department CVSA Examiner Clifford Payne at the 2019 AEC.   Following a long career with the Atlanta P.D., Cliff retired from the department in 2015.  Cliff conducted thousands of CVSA examinations, including both criminal and pre-employment examinations.  He is now the owner of Atlanta Truth Verification Specialist LLC, which provides CVSA-related services throughout...

Record Attendance at 31st Annual Professional Development/AEC Conference

NITV Federal Services and the National Association of Computer Voice Stress Analysts (NACVSA) saw a record number of law enforcement examiners from around the world attend the Professional Development/Advanced Examiners Course held January 7 – 11, 2019 at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center, Orlando, FL.  Both the Embassy Suites and the over-flow hotel rooms were sold out and a secondary over-flow hotel sold out as well.  If you plan to attend our next Continuing Education and Professional...

NITV FS Announces Dedicated CEC’s for Background Investigators

Based on prior requests NITV Federal Services is pleased to announce that as of January 1, 2019 we are now offering dedicated CEC’s for Investigators’  who will exclusively utilize the CVSA to conduct pre-employment examinations.  However, there was not enough demand to justify the development of such a class until the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) purchased 41 CVSA’s for their Peace Officer Selection Field Offices.  Along with the California Highway Patrol’s 32 CVSA’s which...

I Used To Get Confessions, But…….

by Charles Humble, Founder, NITV Federal Services The most common refrain that students mention on their critique forms at the Annual Advanced Examiners/Re Certification Course conducted by the NITV Federal Services is that they realized they had been cutting corners and weren’t getting the results they once had when they first became certified CVSA examiners. Many years ago one of our examiners from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement called me and said he didn’t know why, but when he first began conducting CVSA...

Multi-Utterance Analysis

by Charles Humble, Founder, NITV Federal Services As many of you are aware that have attempted to utilize the CVSA for analysis of multi-utterances (unstructured interviews), it was fairly difficult.  I recall that early on in my career in voice stress analysis (1978) I was assigned a homicide by a local Sheriff.  I had been conducting both criminal and pre-employment exams utilizing voice stress analysis (the old Psychological Stress Evaluator) for the local Sheriff’s Dept. for some time.  The Sheriff had been an Indiana...

Pre-Employment CVSA Testing Protocols

By Cliff Payne  In law enforcement and government agencies no management function is more crucial than hiring the right person. Hiring the “wrong” person in the business world can result in loss of sales and customers, in police work the stakes are much higher resulting in danger to the applicant, fellow officers, the public and bad publicity or adverse legal action to the police department. Many of those who would like to join a law enforcement agency have committed assault, thefts, burglaries, sexual assaults, fraud,...

The Advantages of the Structured/Covert CVSA Examination

What’s all the hype about the CVSA and the technique of analyzing audio recordings to get results?  It is the art of capitalizing on the most underutilized technical capability of the CVSA; analyzing properly formatted and recorded Structured/Covert interviews. The Structured format for CVSA examinations can provide many advantages to the seasoned Examiner, managers and supervisors of CVSA Examiners and will enhance any ongoing investigation.  Narrowing the suspect pool, enhancing time management of cases, increasing...

Utilizing An Interpreter in Voice Stress Examinations by Detective Lisa Morales, Miami-Dade P.D.

As the U.S. becomes more and more homogenous, it is imperative that we, as examiners, realize that circumstances will present themselves on a more regular basis that will require the use of an interpreter to conduct a CVSA exam. As you will find out when the time comes (or you already have), good interpreters are hard to find.  If at all possible, get a paid professional interpreter for the interview.  If your department will not authorize payment for a professional, you may have to use another officer for translation. ...


The NACVSA is the definitive voice for all CVSA Examiners. NACVSA membership spans the globe.  It provides more than just reduced rates for training. Examiners attending the AEC (Advanced Examiners Conference) receive outstanding training and networking opportunities.  The NACVSA provides agencies and examiners additional benefits. * Our NACVSA Legislative Affairs office researches and monitors legislation at the state & federal level to prevent legislation harmful to our profession from being passed. * Our Primary...