NITV FS Announces Dedicated CEC’s for Background Investigators

Based on prior requests NITV Federal Services is pleased to announce that as of January 1, 2019 we are now offering dedicated CEC’s for Investigators’  who will exclusively utilize the CVSA to conduct pre-employment examinations.  However, there was not enough demand to justify the development of such a class until the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) purchased 41 CVSA’s for their Peace Officer Selection Field Offices.  Along with the California Highway Patrol’s 32 CVSA’s which  the CHP uses to screen applicants in their HR/Recruitment Divisions, along with other LE agencies that have dedicated pre-employment examiners, the increased demand justified the creation of a dedicated CVSA pre-employment training .

Currently the specialized CEC’s are being offered 5 times a year and are being hosted by the CDRC, the Orange Co. Sheriff’s Office (FL) and the San Diego Co. Sheriff’s Department.    Certified CVSA examiners who  conduct  pre-employment examinations and want to receive more in-depth education, and /or is due for re-certification can enroll to attend this  specialized course to satisfy CVSA re-certification requirements.