NITV Federal Services

Scientific Study Summary: Cistaro, Victor, Ph. D. “A Comparison Between Decision Accuracy Rates Obtained Using Polygraph and the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer in the Absence of Jeopardy.” The Department of Defense – Polygraph Institute, Aug. 1995.

How Did the Department of Defense Verify the Theory Behind Voice Stress Analysis? In 1995, a new type of truth verification technology was making its mark in the law enforcement community: the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA®). First introduced by the National...

Scientific Study Summary: Eden, G. and Inbar, G.F. “Psychological Stress Evaluators: EMG Correlation with Voice Tremor.” Department of Electrical Engineering Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. 1976

How Did EMG Experiments Lead to Contemporary Voice Stress Tests? Over the course of about a decade, J. Gary Eden and Gideon F. Inbar—two researchers in the Department of Electrical Engineering Technology at the Israel Institute of Technology—conducted multiple studies...

Scientific Study Summary: “The Rhythmical Activity of Groups of Motor Units in the Voluntary Contraction of Muscle.” O.C.J. Lippold, J.W. T. Redfearn, and J. Vuco. University College London 1957

What Early Scientific Studies Led to the Development of Computer Voice Stress Analysis? The scientific research behind the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA) goes back over sixty years. One of the earliest studies, published in 1957 by O.C.J. Lippold, J.W.T....