As a law enforcement agent, you’ve likely heard about the growing popularity of the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA®). Perhaps you’ve read case studies about some of the challenging investigations CVSA has helped solve. Maybe you’ve heard success stories from...
NITV Federal Services
How CVSA Revealed False Criminal Allegations by a Psychologically Challenged Individual
When a person comes forward with injuries and evidence of a serious assault, law enforcement must first consider them the true victim of a crime. But sometimes, those injuries are self-inflicted. People have reported rape or assault to implicate someone else or to...
How CVSA Truth Verification Helped Solve the Cold Case Murder of an Elderly Woman
When 87-year-old Loretta Sinnen went missing from her Menominee, Michigan apartment in 1976, the Menominee County Sheriff’s Department opened an investigation. Loretta had been a staff writer for the Menominee County Free Press for many years and was well known in the...
Understanding the Physiological Tremor: How Stress Affects the Autonomic Nervous System
While law enforcement agencies around the country are adopting Computerized Voice Stress Analysis (CVSA) technology, there remains some skepticism within the community about its reliability. But if you understand the science behind the system, you will realize that...
A Scientific Comparison of the CVSA Versus Alternative Truth Verification Methods
Scientists have developed multiple techniques to detect deception, but it’s important for law enforcement to understand that not all truth verification methods are created equal. Compared to handwriting analysis, the polygraph, and body language or behavioral...
Reading a CVSA Chart: How Voice Frequencies Translate to the Page
Recent advances in law enforcement technology abound, which can sometimes make officers wary about whether these innovations really work. One newer technological advancement is the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA), which makes it possible to identify signs of...
A Guide to Using CVSA Block Scores to Detect Inaudible Voice Stress
You’re in the thick of it—sitting in a small, quiet interview room, examining a suspect in a tough case. Every question is answered with incredible ease, but you worry there is something beneath the surface you aren’t quite able to reach. Are you being deceived? After...
The History of Voice Stress Analysis: The Original Dektor Counterintelligence and Security Inc.
Everything we knew about “lie detection” changed in 1972. That was the year Allan D. Bell, Jr., Wilson H. Ford, and Charles R. McQuiston—the three principals of Dektor Counterintelligence and Security, Inc.—came up with something brilliant. The retired U.S. Military...
The Science Behind the CVSA: Olof Lippold and the Discovery of Microtremors in the Human Voice
Scientists are constantly re-inventing the wheel and building upon and adapting other people’s discoveries. When we unbox that new piece of technology, we are just excited to see it work, but knowing how it works and how it evolved to this version can help us...
Exploring the Scientific Background of the CVSA as a Companion Technology for Law Enforcement
Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA) is a technology that can detect inaudible “voice stress” in subjects who are undergoing questioning or examination. Voice stress is strongly correlated with deceit, and detecting it can go a long way in eliciting legally valid...