This is the job many have dreamed about, some since they were children. Maybe, after years in the field, you remember the first time you put on a police uniform and the gravitas hit you—you are responsible for the safety of others. You are now part of an institution...
NITV Federal Services
Measuring Signs of Stress in the Body with Truth Verification Technology
Putting on your poker face doesn’t work when you are taking a truth verification exam; there are always other indications that someone is “bluffing” or telling a lie. And unlike classic “tells,” these signs of deception are often subtle physiological changes that...
A Guide to Protecting the Rights of Minors During the Police Interview Process
You’re four-feet tall, and towering over you is a large man with an air of authority, a uniform, and a gun. Worried you are going to be locked up, you don’t say anything, or you leave details out because you don’t want to get yourself or others in trouble. Whether a...
Understanding the Role of Control Questions in Standardized CVSA Interview Formats
“How was your day?” That’s a simple question, but would your answer be the same if I asked the question a different way? “You seem frazzled. Did something happen today?” Or, “What specifically happened today that upset you?” How we formulate questions is just as...
CVSA Instructor Bill Endler Discusses Detecting Deception With CVSA Truth Verification Technology
When you truly love what you do, you want to share your knowledge with others. This is what William (Bill) Endler did when he started working as a Senior Instructor teaching about a technology he is passionate about—the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA®). After...
The Value of Talking Less and Listening More During Suspect and Witness Interviews
Have you ever had someone—a boss or your spouse, perhaps—just pepper you with questions without giving you a chance to respond? You automatically go into defense mode. Asking questions may be an important part of communication, but active listening is the real art....
How Lying Affects the Brain and Causes Chronic Deception
“I know he’s lying because his lips are moving.” This statement has become a common way to express how we feel when we can’t trust someone. In fact, the idea of habitual lying has become such a well-known concept in this post-truth world that we’ve invented a whole...
Enhancing Law Enforcement’s Access to Truth Verification Through Cloud-Based Collaboration
It all sounded nebulous at the beginning. Most of us were suspicious about “the cloud” because we were worried our data would end up floating off to some remote land. We may have started using Google Drive, Dropbox, or other applications without realizing how this...
Utilizing CVSA Truth Verification Technology in the Investigation of Hate Crimes
A young woman is attacked for wearing a hijab. A synagogue is set on fire. People protest what they believe is racism crossing the blue line. It’s a sad fact of this world that some people are prejudiced against others who look unlike them or have different ways of...
Examining the Misuse of Home Truth Verification Technology in the Private Sector
The “do it yourself” movement is good in some instances, but the downside is that it has increasingly led people to believe they don’t need a professional or any training of their own to complete a complex task. This is especially true when people can purchase...