Sometimes love hurts so much that the only people who can help are the police—unlikely confidants for the brokenhearted. But when someone claims to love you only to steal hundreds or thousands of dollars, that’s both a heartache and a prosecutable crime. Both women...
NITV Federal Services
Robert A. Gamberg Sr. on Using CVSA Examinations to Investigate Crimes by Prison Inmates
One of the greatest challenges for law enforcement is working with incarcerated criminals. While local and state police take the lead on investigations, once a criminal is serving time, correctional officers take over. It is their duty to ensure not only that...
How NITV’s Defense Barrier Removal System Builds Rapport During the Suspect Interview
His arms are folded over his chest; his legs are crossed. You, on the other hand, are sitting back, hands interlaced at the back of your head, legs in that position some women call “manspreading.” The suspect is being defensive, and you are showing you are in control....
Investigating Ponzi Scheme Cases Using Police Interviews and Truth Verification
When schemers meet dreamers, visions of driving out of a four-car garage in a new Lamborghini can mess with cognitive thinking. Piles of “Benjamin Franklins” staring you in the face has that effect, and when the money starts to dwindle, those dreams turn into...
Validating Police Whistleblower Claims with CVSA Truth Verification Technology
He still has fragments of bullets in his head. Now over eighty-years-old, Frank Serpico doesn’t forget and some people won’t let him. The former NYPD detective whistleblower was an undercover cop who became aware of widespread police corruption in his department in...
Solving Crimes in the Prison System with CVSA Truth Verification
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil—surviving in prison means keeping your mouth shut. With almost one and a half million people locked up in state prisons, over 200,000 in federal prisons, and another 600,000 plus in local jails, there are a lot of secrets. It’s...
Evaluating Laughter as a Deceptive Technique in the Police Interview
Want to hear a cop joke? “How many cops does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one, but he is never around when you need him.” You’re not laughing—probably because it isn’t that funny. Maybe you fake a laugh if someone tells a joke because you don’t want to...
Combating the Risk of Creating False Memories During Accusatory Police Interrogations
Our memories are a large part of what makes us who we are. That’s why on long-running soap operas, when the writers run out of fresh ideas for a character, they give them amnesia and fill their head with new ideas. While most of those depictions are hyperbole, the...
Interviewing Witnesses After a Traumatic Active Shooter Incident with the Aid of CVSA
When your life is flashing before your eyes or you are hiding in a closet hearing gunshots and screams, how much will you remember? The cacophony of sound makes it hard to distinguish what is happening. You want to contact your loved ones, and maybe you whisper into...
Solving Cold Case Murders Through CVSA Analysis of Old Recordings
Voices from the past have stories to tell, but sometimes those stories are only fables. If those voices are recorded on audio or video files—whether analog or digital—we can go back and reexamine them for the truth. The lies told on those tapes may have never been...