Illinois State Police Acquires the CVSA III

The Illinois State Police recently acquired the CVSA III and hosted a CEC at their agency.  Formerly a ‘polygraph only’ agency, some Special Agents with the Illinois State Police asked certified CVSA examiners at local departments to conduct CVSA examinations when...

37-Year-Old Cold Case Broken With the CVSA

CVSA Analyst D/Lt. Stephen with the Coles Co. (IL) Sheriff’s Dept., recently broke a 37-year- old Cold Case Homicide that was solved utilizing the CVSA.  A young woman was brutally murdered in 1980 and although several suspects were developed, there was never...

NITV FS Announces Dedicated CEC’s for Background Investigators

Based on prior requests NITV Federal Services is pleased to announce that as of January 1, 2019 we are now offering dedicated CEC’s for Investigators’  who will exclusively utilize the CVSA to conduct pre-employment examinations.  However, there was not...

I Used To Get Confessions, But…….

by Charles Humble, Founder, NITV Federal Services The most common refrain that students mention on their critique forms at the Annual Advanced Examiners/Re Certification Course conducted by the NITV Federal Services is that they realized they had been cutting corners...

Multi-Utterance Analysis

by Charles Humble, Founder, NITV Federal Services As many of you are aware that have attempted to utilize the CVSA for analysis of multi-utterances (unstructured interviews), it was fairly difficult.  I recall that early on in my career in voice stress analysis (1978)...