U.S. Technology that Identifies Terrorists is Shunned by Bureaucrats

Recent headlines have demonstrated the absolute necessity of identifying Enemy Intentions – namely the intentions of individual terrorists and highly-compartmentalized terrorist cells through all legal means possible.  The attempted Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Airlines flight 253 over Detroit by an Al Qaeda operative; the assassination of seven CIA operatives by an enemy double agent in Afghanistan; and the killing of 13 U.S. military and civilian members at Fort Hood, Texas, by a Muslim extremist are the most recent examples of the importance of identifying Enemy Intentions through effective Preventative Intelligence.  Simply put, Preventative Intelligence is the ability to determine enemy intentions in order to effectively interdict the specific threat posed by an enemy before it occurs.  The U.S. Government has the ability to use existing U.S. technology in its effort to prevent such tragedies, but sadly chooses not to, simply to ensure the status quo of a tiny group of government employees.

With the exception of a small minority of the American population, it is little known that the U.S. possesses a technology that has been proven through research and field application to have the ability to identify terrorists and their intentions.  It is also little known that this technology is used within the U.S. on a daily basis by over 1,800 local, municipal, state, and federal criminal justice agencies to solve crimes and determine the suitability of individuals to perform law enforcement related duties.  Additionally, it has not been well publicized that this technology is authorized for the screening of potential terrorists to ensure the security of U.S. airports and the flying public under the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001.  It is virtually unknown that General David Petraeus and his advisors advocate for the use of this technology in the US Army’s “Counterinsurgency” Field Manual (US Army FM 3-24), dated December 2006, which General Petraeus was responsible for producing during his exile to non-combat duty by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.  And, most sadly, it has been kept secret from the American public that wide-spread application of this technology has been shunned after its successful use by U.S. military and intelligence operatives in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.  The actions of a small, secretive group of bureaucrats and political appointees have effectively blocked the use of the highly sophisticated Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA) after repeated and well-documented successes of CVSA technology in accurately identifying foreign terrorists.  The motivation appears to be the preservation of an entrenched bureaucratic structure within the Pentagon which has existed for decades.  Within the Pentagon there is a small group of government bureaucrats who have not been capable of devising a technology to rival the CVSA after more than 20 years and tens of millions of tax payer dollars spent on research.  Yet they have blocked the CVSA simply to ensure their power and their monopoly over government truth verification operations.

A 19-year study of CVSA technology by Professor Emeritus James Chapman has conclusively demonstrated the CVSA is an effective and accurate truth verification tool, with an accuracy rate above 95%.  Professor Chapman is the former Director of the Criminal Justice Program and the Forensic Crime Laboratory at the State University of New York, Corning, and served from 1984-2000 as the Executive Director of the Southern Tier Law Enforcement Academy Zone 12, New York State.  He is also an internationally known Voice Stress Analysis (VSA) expert who has conducted thousands of forensic interviews, as well as independent research utilizing the CVSA, and has published his findings. Professor Chapman, who has continuously used Voice Stress Analysis technology for close to 40 years to solve otherwise “unsolvable” crimes stated “It is a tragedy that a small group of federal government bureaucrats responsible for the old polygraph program have the power to stifle the US military and intelligence communities from using a technology that has been proven effective by US law enforcement and worldwide scientific research.” Professor Chapman serves as the Educational and Standards Director for the National Association of Computer Voice Stress Analysts, and represents over 1,800 US law enforcement agencies and the thousands of criminal justice officials who use the CVSA on a daily basis to solve crimes across America.  “My 19 year longitudinal study of over 2,100 crimes in which CVSA technology was used produced a court admissible confession rate of 94.6%.  The full authority of the U.S. court system was applied as the gold standard in adjudicating the accuracy of the CVSA and the evidence resulting from the confessions obtained by the CVSA.  In fact, recently Chief Federal Judge Norman Mordue of the U.S. District Court, Northern District of New York, decided that the CVSA was an effective, valid and legally sound tool for use by law enforcement professionals in the Federal Government.  Judge Mordue’s decision has put to rest the debate regarding the efficacy of the CVSA in the criminal justice system.  It is now the mission of the National Association of Computer Voice Stress Analysts to ensure our military members and intelligence professionals have the same tools available as U.S. law enforcement to fight the War on Terrorism.” said Chapman.  Professor Chapman continued, “Fortunately the debate is over, and there is bipartisan support for using the CVSA by the more forward thinking and enlightened members of the Congress and Senate.  I hope to see the massive deployment of CVSA technology soon to ensure terrorist threats are identified outside the US.  This is the best possible outcome – stop terrorists from boarding our aircraft and entering the U.S. before they can do any harm.  I have recently learned that the manufacturer of the CVSA has developed a number of new and sophisticated applications and prototypes which can be deployed overseas to help the US Government in their efforts to protect Americans.” 

Professor Chapman continued, “It is unfortunate that a small group within the federal government can commission questionable studies, at tax payer expense, in their attempts to block a technology that is widely accepted by U.S. law enforcement as well as state and federal court systems.  I have reviewed a number of recent studies with a group of esteemed researchers, academics and other experts, and found the studies used by the polygraph lobby to block the CVSA lack scientific rigor and validity.  These studies are so flawed that they have been ignored by the mainstream, but are still used by the Pentagon’s polygraph bureaucracy to block the CVSA.  The U.S. military’s own records of the hundreds of CVSA exams conducted against suspected foreign terrorists and others by the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps consistently demonstrate an accuracy rate of approximately 95% under combat conditions.  There is no other technology available in the world that can perform at these levels, and our military and intelligence personnel, along with the U.S. citizenry are being placed at risk because of the actions of a few dozen self-serving individuals.  I urge President Obama, his Directors of National Intelligence and Homeland Security, and the political leadership of this nation to look into this issue immediately.  Unfortunately the previous administration, particularly its political appointees to the Defense Department, had the facts but chose to shortchange the American people. ”

Professor Emeritus James Chapman can be contacted through the National Association of Computer Voice Stress Analysts, which represents approximately 1,800 U.S. law enforcement agencies that use the CVSA, at (888) 358-5025.