The NACVSA is the definitive voice for all CVSA Examiners. NACVSA membership spans the globe.  It provides more than just reduced rates for training. Examiners attending the AEC (Advanced Examiners Conference) receive outstanding training and networking opportunities.  The NACVSA provides agencies and examiners additional benefits.

* Our NACVSA Legislative Affairs office researches and monitors legislation at the state & federal level to prevent legislation harmful to our profession from being passed.

* Our Primary and Regional Board members are available to answer your questions.  In each region of the USA there is a CVSA Regional Director that is available to assist you. Our Primary Board Members are also available to discuss CVSA-related matters that you believe can improve and enhance the CVSA and the industry.

* L LIST for Cold Call Review and Analysis of CVSA Charts. No other association or company has an L LIST or any other method as effective as the L LIST for assisting examiners in obtaining cold calls and confirmation of charts.

* Continuing Education/Advanced Examiners Conference.  Held every year in FL and every other year in CA.  Providing outstanding training and networking for CVSA examiners who attend this week-long conference.

* Commercial Usage of CVSA.  The NACVSA also supports our select base of current and former law enforcement examiners who provide CVSA examinations for corporate, legal and other lawful purposes. In addition, this includes assisting examiners navigating the EPPA regulations that govern exams of most employees.  This also includes counsel on Business practices, Marketing/Sales Programs, and other aspects to promote the efforts of private CVSA examiners.

* Contact with other CVSA Examiners.  NACVSA members can contact our administrative office to get connected with other NACVSA Members on a one on one basis.  Since most NACVSA membership is law enforcement and government, we protect the privacy of our members.  In addition, NACVSA can verify the credentials of any member to include current certification status.

We urge all members to JOIN the NACVSA or to RENEW their membership to take advantage of all of these benefits.