Solved Cases

These are a few of the thousands of actual cases sent to NFS by the detectives that were involved.

Florida, West Palm Beach P.D.

During a Certified Examiners Course being hosted by the West Palm Beach P.D., a detective requested that he be shown how to conduct a covert interview as he was preparing to interview a woman concerning a car-jacking incident. The woman and her husband had reported that they had taken a Mercedes Benz out for a test drive and were approached by two men wearing ski masks at an intersection. They stated that the men forced them from the car, robbed them, and then drove off in the Mercedes. The detective conducted a covert (structured) interview, tape recorded it and returned to have it analyzed. The high level of background noise made it very difficult to analyze, however, the class agreed that from the woman’s responses, she and her husband were not robbed and that the car had not been car-jacked by two men in ski masks. Unfortunately, because the covert CVSA charts were the only indication of a false crime (both subjects later refused to take a CVSA exam), no action could be taken. Several months later, the husband was stopped on a routine traffic violation and it was discovered that he was driving the Mercedes that he and his wife had reported stolen. The husband was arrested for auto theft and the wife was arrested for conspiracy. This case, including the charts and tape recording are now used in the NITV’s Certified Examiners Course.

Ohio, Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, Preble Co.

Investigator/Analyst David Lindloff reports that an individual that lived with, and took care of his invalid mother was reported missing.  Although there was no evidence of foul play, relatives were suspicious of the missing man’s adopted sister and boyfriend who had recently moved back into the area.  They were asked to come in to talk with investigators and after an initial interview, they were asked to take a CVSA exam.  Both consented and both failed the exam concerning the disappearance.  After being confronted with the results, both confessed that they had murdered the missing person.

Pakistan - Karachi P.D. - Murder

CVSA Analyst (name withheld) reports that an individual was arrested on suspicion of the murder of a young woman.  The suspect denied being involved in the murder and agreed to take a CVSA exam.  Following the exam the suspect was confronted with the results that showed deception.  After further questioning, the suspect confessed and then admitted to committing over 100 murders.  Most of those murders were collaborated by police records.

Florida, Citrus Co. Sheriff's Office

Lt. David Wyllie reports that in the very first days of the Jessica Lunsford abduction and murder case, several very good suspects were developed, including her father.  Since Lt. Wyllie headed the Special Victims Unit at the time of Jessica’s disappearance, and was also a seasoned CVSA Examiner, he requested that two suspects take a CVSA examination. Read more here: The Jessica Lunsford Murder Case

New York, Madison County Sheriff's Department

Professor James Chapman, noted criminologist and CVSA examiner was summoned to the Sheriff’s Department to assist with the interview of an individual that had been the main suspect in a 1981 murder. He had taken a polygraph which was inconclusive and, without other leads, the case grew cold. The same suspect was again requested to take a polygraph in the same case ten years later in 1991. This time the suspect passed the polygraph and was dropped as a suspect. In 1996, the investigator in the case requested that the same suspect take a CVSA exam from Professor Chapman. After reviewing his CVSA charts, which clearly showed that he was the killer, the suspect made admissions and provided written statements regarding his participation in the murder.

Ohio, Toledo P.D.

Analyst/Det. John Gast reports that a Toledo attorney and former city councilwoman who went missing on Wednesday, December 5, 2007, and was found the following Saturday just outside Atlanta (GA), recanted her story of being kidnapped… Read more here: CVSA Solves National Kidnapping Mystery

Utah, West Valley City P.D.

Analyst/Det. Steve O’Camb reports that the upscale community was shocked when a woman was found brutally murdered in her home near Salt Lake City.  There were no suspects, no motive, and police were left to screening those with access to the home.  One such person was seen on a TV news program consoling and shaking hands with the victims husband.  The individual turned out to be an 18 year-old next-door neighbor.  He was not considered a suspect but because he lived in close proximity to the victim’s house, he was asked to take a CVSA exam.  In Det. O’Camb’s opinion, the charts indicated that the subject was involved in the murder.  A ‘cold call’ of the charts was then requested.  Analyst/Det. Mike Fossmo conducted the ‘cold call’ and agreed with Det. O’Camb’s call.  After being shown the charts and questioned further, the subject finally admitted that he committed the murder.  He then led detectives to the murder weapon. Click Here for more information on this case

Ohio, Fostoria P.D.

Analyst/Det. Phil Kleman reports that as an analyst with another department, he was asked by the Fostoria P.D. to test an individual who was suspected of murder. The suspect had just taken a polygraph examination from an Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigations polygraph examiner who reported the results of the polygraph examination to be inconclusive bordering on truthful. The subject denied any involvement in or knowledge of the murder and agreed to take the CVSA, just as he had agreed to take the polygraph. The CVSA showed very clearly that the subject had committed the murder and when confronted with his deceptive charts, gave a full confession. The Fostoria P.D. has now purchased their own CVSA and trained several detectives as examiners.

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