CVSA® Solves

CVSA® Solves National Kidnapping Mystery

A Toledo attorney and former city councilwoman who went missing on Wednesday, December 5, 2007, and was found the following Saturday just outside Atlanta (GA), recanted her story of being kidnapped during a lengthy interrogation with Toledo police and the FBI, saying she was “tired and needed to get away.” Her husband, Bishop Lawrence Hancock, and her father, Judge Allen McConnell, had made appearances on several national television shows pleading for her safe return. Family and friends held prayer vigils.

Mrs. McConnell-Hancock was found Saturday about fourteen miles northwest of Atlanta near the Six Flags amusement park where she flagged down a construction worker. The construction worker stated that Mrs. McConnell-Hancock was crying and asked him to call 911.

When being questioned back in Toledo by police, Mrs. McConnell-Hancock stuck to her story of being kidnapped by three individuals at gunpoint in downtown Toledo. About halfway through the interrogation Mrs. McConnell-Hancock was offered a CVSA exam and she agreed to take it. The CVSA exam, conducted by Detective John Gast, showed clear deception and after being confronted with the charts, she subsequently confessed that she had fabricated the story.

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